The Fireflies: Spreading their Lights

Maiya Ali

Mrs. Hernandez’s 11th grade
Principal: Dr. Grant Rivera
Westlake High School, Atlanta, GA 30331

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In a small wood called Calapolis Forest, there lived several different species. They lived in peace; no harm was done. Each of the animals had their own little entertainment to keep them glad every day. The species that had the best pleasurable moments were the fireflies. Every night, when all the other animals were asleep, the famous fireflies had their own little party, dancing and having jolly moments. They felt as though that was the only way and time of the day where they could be free to express themselves and demonstrate their light across the forest. The more entertaining their party became, the brighter their lights shinedl

The fireflies were so fantastically bright that sometimes it had prevented the animals from going to sleep, especially King Cobra. Every night, he was frustrated that he couldn’t rest with the fireflies’ constant partying. Numerous times, he yelled at the fireflies to dim their lights. The fireflies tried to please his needs, though they knew they couldn’t contain themselves. Spreading their light and dancing in the night made them feel wonderful—what was wrong with that? One night, the delightful insects partied a little too much and their lights were as bright as the sun. King Cobra suddenly awoken and became baffled that the fireflies had once again disturbed him in his sleep. He immediately banned them from Calapolis Forest and vowed that they shall never return. Frightened by the King’s cruel words, the fireflies did what they were told and sadly left the forest.

For months, they traveled from place to place, unsure where they stood now. They just flew around with their heads down and lights extremely dimmed down or completely off. They were too depressed to have any more parties and were terrified to shine their lights again. Until one night, they were flying by an owl’s nest when they spotted a monkey trying to harm one of the baby owls. The baby owl shrieked for help, yet no one came to its rescue. Every animal in their woods was fast asleep and the miniscule owl wasn’t loud enough for them to awake. Immediately, the fireflies knew what they could do to warn the animals: shine their wonderful lights!

They began to party and became as jovial as they could to shine their brightest light. The monkey suddenly noticed the fireflies’ alarming light and discovered what they were trying to do. It tried to swing away, yet it was too late. The animals had already awakened and they immediately punished the monkey. The animals honored the fireflies for their marvelous deeds and pleaded for their stay for protection. However, after this experience, the fireflies had a different idea. Instead of just spreading their light in the forests, why not spread it across the whole sky? Why not make sure everyone is safe at night and always be their guide to find their way home’
Theref ore, every night when you are wondering what those bright sparkles are in the sky, those aren’t stars—they are just fireflies, dancing their hearts away and lighting up the sky with their free spirits!