Attack of The Zombies - Anthony Cali, Baker Elementary, USA ["This is a creative story! I would, however, suggest not beginning a story with "HI. I'm. . ." If Lena is Joseph's friend, why does she not know his name? Use of quotation marks is incorrect ... How did your story go from one zombie to many zombies? And why were there matches in the cemetery? ... There are several holes that could easily be filled in with a rewrite!" - Stone]
Cloudy With A Chance Of Chocolate Kisses - Ryan [see Honor Roll for comments]
Furby World - Rachel Regelbrugge
Harry and James Mystery - Neeraj Devulapalli, Brunswick Acres Elementary, USA ["What an imagination! Interesting plot! There are some errors in grammar/punctuation/capitalization/verb tense (dis)agreement: "they opened the door to see what is happening," also "they saw two things one is." On page 3, you say "they saw two things," but you only tell about the people arguing (one thing). All that said, this story is creative and fun - and very imaginative!" - Stone]
Plants for Sale - Charly Ann Dannis
Rainbow & Castle - Bethany Mason
Space Kids - Rodney Hannor, Jr., North Hills Christian School, USA
Space Kids 2 - Rodney Hannor, Jr., North Hills Christian School, USA
The Dragon's Dare - Lauren Pfeifer, Oak Grove School, USA ["This story kept my attention well! I wanted to find out what happened! Nice wording and use of quotation marks! Some questions: why did the dragon walk and not fly the 500 miles? How did the fox know the baker? Why was the princess locked in the cellar? When you say, "they have gardeners," who is they? Answering these questions, and the use of paragraphs would have made this story an A+!" - Stone ]
The Golden Horses - Christie Inge
The Mysterious Stone is in your Hands Now - Ishan Chowdhury, McNair Elementary, USA ["Quite imaginative. Your story was like stream-of-consciousness writing...however, difficult to follow and would have liked to see some more character development. There are some misspellings...also some long, wordy sentences that could be reworded to aid clarity" - Stone]
The Return of The Three Miceketeers - Tyler Buresh, Southside Elementary, USA
Tom Turkey and The Trouble with Chickens - Jonathan Colquit, Home School, USA